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T03 Tool Chair
由芬蘭新銳設計師Rasmus Palmgren之作品,是⼀款可 謂結合⼯業及⼯藝,最恰到好處的平衡⼒作。其創造出⼀種既理性⼜異想天開的性 格,擁有美麗的外表上⼜不失其功能內涵。
T03 Tool Chair is designed by Rasmus Palmgren with a well-balanced approach to craft and industry. Its resulting character varies from rational to whimsical, lending an air of functionality to its beauty.
有著簡約、百變風格,以近乎原型設計的概念來傳達其實⽤性。 以丹麥地理景觀的配⾊基礎,提供4種顏⾊供您搭配,置於任何空間都毫無違和 感。
Tool Chair is a simple, versatile and almost archetypal chair in its expression and use. With four colour options based on the nuances of the Danish landscape, Tool Chair can fit into any environment while retaining an understated character.
「T03 Tool Chair」巧妙地融合「輕」與「⼒」的特點,其椅座是採⽤⾼壓模具沖壓製成,以其精緻的線條,和雕塑般品質,是⼀款可謂結合⼯業及⼯藝的作品。以彎 曲成型的椅座設計,不僅減少材料的浪費,⼜帶來耐⼈尋味的趣味性。
Tool Chair embodies a balance of lightness and gravity. Its seat, made of moulded veneer, epitomises the meeting of craft and industry in its delicate and sculptural qualities. The bends in the frame result in both minimal waste materials and an intriguing modesty.
⼭⽑欅⽊兼具硬度與柔韌度,可彎曲加⼯。櫸⽊樹在丹麥算是很普遍可⾒的樹⽊, 它被廣泛應⽤於傢俱、玩具、枕⽊、貼⾯單板、膠合板和鑲⽊地板等物品。它的廣泛應⽤證明了其樸實性和平易近⼈的性質。「T03 Tool Chair」的所有椅⾓都採⽤了⼀種經典的櫥櫃⼯⽊技術才有的指接榫(finger joints)。
Beech wood is sturdy and durable yet relatively flexible. The beech tree is still a common tree in Denmark and it is widely employed for objects such as furniture, toys, clogs, veneer, plywood and parquet floors. Its widespread use is a testament to its unpretentious and approachable nature. All corners have finger joints, a classic cabinet maker technique.
「T03 Tool Chair」符合TAKT內部環保⽣態設計原則,不僅採平整包裝式運輸,且 使⽤的包裝為可回收利⽤的材料。透過如此的平整包裝設計,在運輸的過程,不僅 可在相同材積空間放置超過5-7倍的產品,更可以最⼤限度地減少⼆氧化碳排放。 由於是緊密的包裝⽅式,可以保護傢俱在運輸過程中不受損壞的完整性。
「T03 Tool Chair」是⼀款 100% 符合環保⽣態標章⽣產的椅⼦,使⽤符合森林標準 的⽊材,其上下游供應鏈也符合環保認證。其專為拆卸⽽構建設計,這意味著其拆 卸掉的部件可以變成關鍵材料進⾏回收再利⽤,⽽磨損的部件可以更換再使⽤,並 提供五年保固。